False Teachers and Brethren in Error

By Connie W. Adams

It is more and more the line of brethren who appear to be somewhat that in reality we are all false teachers on something, if that term simply means those who teach something which is not according to truth. You see we all disagree with some others on various and sundry points. According to the thinking of these brethren, “false teacher” can only be used to describe a teacher of dishonorable character. Some of us have insisted that when we so described a brother, we were referring, not to his character but to the content of his message. But that does not satisfy some of the leading minds.

It reminds me of the turn Carl Ketcherside took some years ago when some brethren referred to premillennial or institutional brethren, or even some who espoused the use of instrumental music in worship as “brethren in error.” He ridiculed the idea by saying, “We are all brethren in error; just on different things.” Would someone tell me the difference in that idea and the one that says, “We are all false teachers; just on different subjects?”

It appears to me that this approach which is tied to the notion of unity in diversity and that growing out of a false (excuse me wrong) concept of Romans 14 and what that includes and does not include have bought into more of the unity movement of yesteryear than many may realize. There were many at the time that battle was raging who elevated themselves above the fray and gave some sympathy to those who were systematically forsaking the faith and criticized those who were trying their best to stand for what was right. Now again there are some who are too good to join in the battle against compromise and who, from their elevated vantage points can criticize those caught in the struggle.

One well respected brother has already said that he does not know of anyone among the brethren these days that he would call a false teacher. Let that soak in! How about Olan Hicks? How about Stanley Paher who has written a book branding many brethren as “sharks” while he defends the rest as “dolphins”? What of those who are teaching people to remain in adulterous marriages?

I have a question which I wish such brethren would ponder. If a man of honest character and pure motives teaches me to remain in a relationship which will cause me to lose my soul eternally, and I accept that teaching and act upon it, won’t I be just as lost and eternally miserable as if I had acted upon the teaching of a man who is a rascal and who teaches with the  basest of motivations? Are not the eternal results the same whether the teacher is sincere or insincere?

Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:1-5-16). You may not always be able to tell them by their demeanor. But we sure can look at the fruit that comes from the teaching. Peter warned of “false prophets among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you” (2 Pet. 2:1). Given the views of some prominent men these days, the time of false teachers was in the first century but now it is different. We don’t have to worry about that any more. You see, we are all false teachers on something and so we can stop worrying about it.

If this does not minimize error, pray tell what it would take? And yet, some of these men want to smile at us and say, “You know, there really is not all that much difference between us.” Oh yes there is! If some of you want to lay claim to being a false teacher on the ground that we all are, or being a brother in error because we all are, then you are welcome to it. “I pray thee: have me excused.” If I teach something which you know to be false or hold to an erroneous position, then please tell me what it is so I can correct it.

Let me tell you what these tactics are. They are sin shelters. They are excuses for those who are not teaching the truth on marriage, divorce and remarriage, and for those who are angry because the error of such men has been exposed. They say they do not agree with the error, but they certainly do not like it that some among us have opposed and exposed it. Well, we ought to love each other! Well and good. But we ought to preach the whole counsel of God and we ought not ostracize and castigate those who have had the effrontery to take a stand clearly enough to be understood. Some of those who have sounded the sweetest and lectured the rest on the true meaning and our working of love have led the way in doing exactly that.

Folks, truth can be known. So can error. If that is not so then none of us has any hope of going to Heaven. I am as concerned about cranks and fanatics and the dangers they pose as anyone else but I am not going to discard “the present truth” in the process — truth which can be known, appropriated, and defended. We could not hope to “contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude 3) unless we can first identify what it is. Will any of our learned brethren dispute that? Every debate that every gospel preacher ever had with a proponent of error was conducted on the premise that truth and error are not the same and that honest hearts can see the difference.

While those who disagree with what I have said are pondering these words, I leave you with this question: On what basis would any of you, who make this argument about false teachers being limited to ugly characters, ever describe Billy Graham as a false teacher? Or are you ready to join hands with Rubel Shelley in endorsing him?

Box 69, Brooks, Kentucky 40109

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 8 p3  April 20, 2000

Belizean Briefs (2)

By Bobby L. Graham

A second two-week trip to the Central  American country of Belize was the occasion for the experiences that gave rise to these brief thoughts. During January of this year, I went again to share in the work of the gospel with Dana Whisler and some of the natives of that country. Study with the men desiring to preach was the immediate focus of this trip, as we studied Paul’s letters to preachers. Regardless of whatever else one might learn or teach, he is unprepared to preach the Word if he does not understand the place, purpose, kind, manner, and spirit of preaching approved by the Lord.

Dana Whisler Family

The Whislers moved to Belize in February of 1999 at personal sacrifice to make the gospel available to another people. During the year that has passed, a son has returned to Pennsylvania to work after finishing his home schooling, and a daughter is ready to return in the spring to graduate with her class and to enter Florida College in the fall. Dana and Carol, with the two remaining children, will continue their lives in Belize for a few more years, separated from familiar people, places, and circumstances. An unusual dedication to evangelism moves them to stay when it would be so easy to return to family. 

A heavy work load for the only full-time proclaimer of the gospel in the country, the frequent need to give financial help out of his own funds to people requiring health care or various necessities, the high cost of imported American foods, gasoline costing approximately $2.50 per gallon, a poor system of health care, and inadequate support until recent weeks could have encouraged an early return to the United States. Frequent visits by brethren to help in spreading the Word have been appreciated and have helped to share the burden resting on the most mature kingdom workers in the entire country, who have been Christians for about fifteen years. These visits necessitate many costly trips to the airport in Belize City during the year — round trips of 170 miles, which I encourage visiting brethren to cover with funds that they supply.

These are the sacrifices that one often must make for the sake of the gospel. They also remind us of similar sacrifices that each Christian must be willing to make — family and self in the spirit of putting self to death (Luke 14:26-27).

Young Alma

This fifteen-year old girl at first seemed shy when I saw her, avoiding an initial attempt to study with her but later showing interest in Bible study and attending services some. Soon after she was immersed into Christ, she began having heart problems. Rheumatic fever was the doctor’s first diagnosis. Although the tests were negative, penicillin was prescribed. It became apparent that some of the doctors were as unskilled as the hospital facilities were poor, with dirt caked on the floor, mosquitoes coming through open, unscreened windows, and mice running in the rooms. She eventually traveled to her native Guatemala with Amerika, her mother, to learn that her heart was enlarged and she needed a certain medication.

During her ordeal the Christians “stuck by her,” keeping her company at the hospital before she had to leave for Guatemala. Some also assisted the daughter and mother financially for the trip that they could not afford. Such love in action was what John described in 1 John 4 as loving not in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. Jesus also said that our destiny would depend partly on our attention to brothers and sisters in time of need (Matt. 25). This love of the brethren is needed and appreciated around the world.


The Lord’s apostle classified covetousness as idolatry, because it involves the desire to have more (the literal meaning of the word). This desire takes the place that God alone deserves. It was coupled with forbidden objects of that desire in the commandments given to Israel — neighbor’s wife, house, etc. It is found as a spiritual plague in all countries of the world, even the poorer ones like Belize. Many Belizeans work hard to improve their lot in life and keep the value of things in perspective, but many do not. The love of money, which is at the root of covetousness, is common to both the rich and those aspiring to be rich (1 Tim. 6:9, 17). Wealthy   Americans — all Americans, that is — could easily help those preaching the Word in Belize and other nations, as well as the needy Christians there, instead of seeking to increase their possessions (Luke 12:15ff).

Abraham, the Translator

We occasionally meet people who are a joy to us because of their attitude, manner, or some other helpful aspect of their personality. Abraham was such a young man. Reared in a family of drunkards, he aspired to rise above the level that he observed as a youth. It was his work for a vegetable farmer that brought him under the influence of Andreas, a farmer who was a Christian. The seed began to take root in his honest heart, nurtured and watered by the honest speech and honorable conduct witnessed in this farmer and his family. Opportunities to study the Bible came, and the Lord’s increase followed (1 Cor. 3:6).

Abraham soon quit his job in farming to serve as Dana Whisler’s translator. Seemingly, not moved by covetousness like many, he desires to preach, studying often to learn the Scriptures better and to improve his translation skills. I hope some of you can meet this refreshing individual (2 Tim. 1:16).

Seventh Day Adventist Campaign

In a society somewhat like our own a few decades ago, Belizeans with little to do for pastime really turn out for the entertainment at the numerous Adventist campaigns, some even leaving after the special numbers, special songs, or special presentations are finished. I think every item before the preaching was described as “special,” while the sermon was called the “dessert.” The use of this gimmick did not keep some of the people there. There was even a marching group, dressed like Boy and Girl Scouts, who performed their march routine which ended with a “salute in the name of Jesus Christ.” The sermon, supposedly the “icing on the cake,” was loud, boisterous, and highly emotional, making use of few scriptures but many illustrations. It followed the standard Adventist line of employing many current events, and the remaining ones during the week were publicized as focusing on world events and dangerous conditions.

Four of us went on Sunday night after returning from the village where we had met with the brethren. It was a fruitful visit, in that we saw again how entertainment catering to carnal human desires is used to accomplish spiritual objectives. Let us remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Cor. 10:4-6). I also gained a Bible study as the result of this visit to the campaign.

A Liberal Congregation

Because of our worship period being on Sunday afternoon, I also was able to visit another local church in the area in the morning. The lesson was scriptural, and the people fairly friendly; but it was the “baby dedication” that stumped me. I had learned that such practice was found in some congregations in our own country, but this was the first one that I had seen. The seemingly harmless “ritual” consisted of the mother handing the infant over to the preacher, who read pertinent verses from the Bible and then prayed on the child’s behalf for a godly upbringing. I asked about this matter following the last prayer and learned that this is defended as a custom in Belize, not with Scripture. While I would not oppose a prayer for an infant and his parents, even during the service, I do not think the ritual aspects of this activity are wise. The worship in the New Testament did not include this ceremony.

Jesse Hightower, who began the work in Belize about three years ago, tried to teach these brethren to lay aside some of their practices, but was unable to stay with them. They have their “Corozal Church of Christ School” identified on the building as such. Mission work of liberal brethren often includes schools, which teach secular subjects as well as Bible, medical care, well-digging projects, and other humanitarian/relief efforts. I ask you: Is there any significant difference between these efforts used to attract people so they can teach them and the carnal attractions employed by the Adventists in their campaigns to draw the crowds so they can then teach them their doctrine? Do they not both depend on the wrong thing? I know the Lord did not approve such lures, for he rebuked the people who were following him for the loaves and the fishes (John 6). Attitudes toward the Scriptures must change before practices can change.


It seems to be a national epidemic in Belize. I am not sure about the problem in other Central American countries, but public posters warn about it, saying “Alcohol Destroys Lives.” This is a national, family, congregational (some have returned to the world because of strong drink), and soul problem. Lax attitudes toward social drinking and “having just a beer” will bear the tragic fruit of drunkenness, because “wine is a mocker and strong drink a brawler” (Prov. 20:1). Many Belizean wives bear the burden of a drunk for a husband, who wastes what he earns during the week, and some Belizean women have also turned to drink. How are we training our children in these matters?

Studies with Ernest McCauley

On the morning after attending the Adventist campaign, this man called to me as I was walking, and he began talking because he had noticed me under the tent. I was able to give my unfavorable impressions of the sermon in a kindly manner and to ask him to study the Bible with me. After arriving at his house, it became obvious that his wife was the more knowledgeable one in their doctrine and the stronger adherent to it. She emphatically made her point several times, only to leave the house when I began answering from the Bible because she was not interested in listening to a “false prophet.” She warned me more than once that my doctrine was wrong because “the Bible says the Sabbath will never be abolished.” If anybody has ever been able to proceed much beyond a discussion of the Sabbath with Adventists, I would like to know how it happened. This remained the center of our discussion. All points of argumentation were as water running off the duck; they made no impression on her. Ernest was more thoughtful and open to study, but she squelched the opportunity.

My attempts to elicit further study were mostly futile. When I pressed her to cite the passage saying the Sabbath would never be abolished, she only replied that Jesus kept it and said the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. I showed that Jesus also kept the requirement of circumcision, which was made for Israel. If her reasoning would work on the Sabbath, then mine would work on circumcision. She didn’t even seem to know what circumcision is. Her boast to be able to read and understand Scripture was met with my request that she explain what Ephesians 2:14-15 means in talking about Jesus removing the middle wall separating Jew from Gentile, even the law contained in ordinances. At this point she again walked out of the house, leaving poor Ernest to contend for their doctrine alone. I reiterated to him that he must study for himself and be able to handle the Word aright in view of the Lord’s second coming and judgment. After our second study, I walked back down the dusty road to Dana’s house, shaking the dust from my feet literally and figuratively.

Alfredo the Beggar

Alfredo had been coming often to Dana’s house, hoping to eat with the family before going with them to the service in the village, saying he was a Christian. The problem of beggars (bums) is a ubiquitous one, even in wealthy countries. All of us have been “taken” at times by these bums, but Alfredo seems to have “taken” more than his share. He even obtained land from his brother by lies and fraud. The Mennonite farmer for whom he had worked told Dana that he would no longer give money to Alfredo. He did care for him because of a work-related accident in which Alfredo lost a leg, but he gave the money to his brother to hand to him according to need. On the same Saturday morning this man, who had been attending the preacher classes I had been teaching nightly and the other services of the church, lied to both Dana and me, so that we would give him more money. After we caught him in his lies and talked to him about the matter, he quit attending services and spoke to me only when I forced him to in town early one morning.

How do you deal with this kind of problem? You want to help truly needy people, but bums are not truly needy. Hearts must remain tender toward genuine needs.

Anna and Her Children

Little do we often understand about the problems and trials of other people. Anna was a young mother who, along with her three children, was living with the Whisler family. They had asked her to live with them because of a drunken husband who had threatened to molest a daughter and then fled to his native Guatemala. This young mother was impressive to me because of her work habits at the house and at the papaya-packing plant. Her work at times was no more than a half-day, but she worked when she could for low wages and helped clean and cook for the Whislers. Miriam, Eber, and Jennifer are three delightful and appreciative children who made me glad that I was there. Their outlook on life has improved much because of the secure and godly environment where they now live. Much potential for good exists in similar situations where we do what we can for others. How do we view opportunities for doing good (Gal. 6:10)?

The Preachers’ Class

For two weeks we had nightly classes for the ten or eleven men interested in teaching the Word. They came faithfully after full, tiring days working in sugar cane fields or on the trucks. Willingness to make sacrifices is an inherent part of life for one wanting to preach or otherwise serve Christ. We studied Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus, emphasizing what preaching does, as well as the attitude, manner, aims, and problems of preaching. Regardless of what one might know about revelation, the life of Christ, or marriage and divorce, it is useless if he does not understand what the Lord told preachers to do with that knowledge and how to do it. The need to learn the Scriptures and a desire to do so were stressed, and serious self-examination to determine one’s readiness to preach and his motivation in preaching. Time was left for discussion of the material being studied each night, especially as it related to questions raised by the men. Future sessions are planned to cover the development of the entire Bible story and its geographical context, in order to give the men an understanding of the plan of God for saving people.

Lessons to the Church

While people in certain places might be at a different level of maturity, the basic spiritual needs of brethren do not change much. What is needed in one place will sooner or later also be needed elsewhere. There is no substitute for the plain teaching of the Lord’s Word on any topic or from any section. Every time the church met during my two weeks in Belize I spoke to them, presenting lessons that I thought would challenge them to a higher level of understanding and life: A Portrait of Christian Forgiveness (Letter to Philemon), Let Brotherly Love Continue (Heb. 13), The Lord’s Church, What Would Jesus Do? (2 lessons), and Threatening Times in the Gospel Age (2 Tim. 3). The need to teach on the level of new converts and to challenge them to grow is a good refresher course for any preacher.

24978 Bubba Tr., Athens, Alabama 35613 Bobbylgraham@juno.com 

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 8 p16  April 20, 2000

Lessons At the Temple

By Kyle Campbell

In Acts 20:35, Paul reports one of the only sayings of Jesus outside of the gospel. Our Lord said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” Part of being a Christian is knowing about not only our responsibilities, but also the acts that we perform which make us grow. On the Tuesday before Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus was at the temple and made an observation regarding giving (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4), which is of great benefit to us to examine.

It is helpful for all of us to be shown how we can be a better steward of the graciousness of God. Romans 8:32 says, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

Every person has an order of priority which he works around. Most Christians probably respect their relationship with God first, their family second, and their money and possessions third. If we understand our duty to God to be his servants and our duty to try to teach our friends and family, then what is our duty toward our money and possessions? The lessons at the temple teach us about the importance of our giving.
There Is A Treasury In God’s House

Some have erroneously tried to prove that church treasuries are unscriptural. However, the Scriptures support the fact that there was an established treasury for money given to the Lord. Jesus and his disciples had a treasury. They used their funds for their survival and to help those who were poor. John 12:6 states that Judas was the treasurer and Luke 8:1-3 states that various women contributed to the support of Jesus and the apostles

Furthermore, the saints at Jerusalem had a treasury. The funds collected for the help of needy saints were laid at the apostle’s feet (Acts 4:34-35). Barnabas, Ananias, and Sapphira all contributed to this need, although Ananias and Sapphira did so with a deceitful and covetous heart and were punished (Acts 4:36-37; 5:2). In Peter’s reply to Ananias and Sapphira, he made a distinction between church funds and the individual’s funds (Acts 5:4).

Other churches had treasuries also. The church at Corinth had a treasury (1 Cor. 16:1-2). The collection was to be made on the day when the church assembled, which was the first day of the week. This commandment would make no sense if the “laying by him in store” were to be done at home. The church at Philippi had a treasury (Phil. 4:15-17) and Paul took church funds to work at Corinth (2 Cor. 11:8; Acts 18:5). The Lord’s work takes money. Providing a place to assemble, paying a preacher, and helping the needy saints requires funds.

The Lord Watches The Treasury

At the temple, there were thirteen trumpet-like chests placed at intervals around the walls of the court of the women in the Herodian temple where worshipers could walk by and drop in their contributions. The phrase indicates that the Lord was continually observing the different people doing this. We cannot escape the fact that the Lord knows what we are doing (2 Chron. 16:9). The Lord is by no means indifferent to our actions.

It seems hard to believe, but when we assemble the Lord knows what is in your heart. He knows exactly what you think when you sing, pray, listen to a sermon, partake of the Lord’s supper and give. He knows it as well as he could watch those people contribute at the temple.

The Lord Knows Our Circumstances

The adjective “poor” in Mark 12:42 meant that this woman was in extreme poverty. It was used to describe a person who literally had nothing and was in imminent danger of starvation.

Just like the Lord knows our thoughts and actions, He also knows our circumstances. He knows when we are giving to our full potential. He knows when our heart is right.

The widow was in very different circumstances than her wealthy predecessors. The wealthy had given what they did not need. In so doing, they demonstrated no self-denial. But Jesus saw that she gave “all that she had.” He did not measure what she gave with what the others gave. The Lord will not measure what you give with what I give. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that we reap what we sow.

Don’t you love the fact that God is fair? He will only judge us according to how we have “prospered.” However fair and equitable that system may seem, it can also be a double-edged sword. If we are greedy and do not have the trust of God in our heart (Matt. 6:33-34), we will be judged and held accountable for that attitude.

The Lord Knows Our Contributions

For the benefit of his Roman readers, Mark states that the woman put in “two mites, which make a farthing” (v. 42). Later versions say, “two small copper coins, which amount to a cent.” The word “mite” came from a word signifying “crumb” or “morsel.” The coins she contributed were the smallest forms of Jewish monetary denominations. Her entire contribution was worth about a quarter of a cent.

It is so tempting to measure the value of our actions quantitatively rather than qualitatively. Moreover, we are better judges of actions than of motives, and can see the outward conduct much clearer than the inward character. But the Lord reveals that he looks upon the inward rather than the outward man.

One of the most important aspects of giving which we must learn is that God loves a cheerful giver, not necessarily a big giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7). Our contributing to the Lord’s work must be given from a willing heart (Matt. 10:8).

Sometimes we are tempted to think that we give and sacrifice, but no one can ever recognize our effort and commend us (Matt. 6:1-4). However, our Father knows what we give. The commending will be done by God.

The Lord Teaches Us To Give

The functions of the church are financed and carried out by our contributions, but is that all there is to giving? Is there any deeper meaning to the contributing of our prosperity which God has given?

In 2 Corinthians 8:7-9, Paul taught of the deeper significance of giving. He said that giving demonstrated their graciousness (8:7), love (8:8), and the graciousness of Christ (8:9). The grace of God is manifested in giving. When we give something that means a lot to us, we come a little closer to understanding the grace of God as he gave his only begotten Son (John 3:16).

Giving also allowed the brethren to have equality (2 Cor. 8:13-15). There are many brethren all over the world who are desperate for funds because of physical and economic hardships. Let not their pleas fall upon deaf ears!

Paul commended the Corinthians as he observed their principles of giving. First, they gave liberally (2 Cor. 8:3). They were not ones to withhold their contribution from a good cause. Those brethren had a genuine concern. The saints in Judea needed to be cared for, and the Corinthians were willing to give what they really could not spare. Is this not what the widow did? Second, they did not have to ask or be asked (2 Cor. 8:3). Many Christians have to be “arm-twisted” to give. Can we not let go of what needs to be let go of? Third, they gave themselves first to the Lord (2 Cor. 8:5). If you are not willing to give yourself to the Lord, you will not find any joy in giving to the church, helping your brethren, or helping your neighbor.


The need to examine giving is constantly reflected in the need to examine our own devotion to God. How do you treat those possessions which are most valuable to you? What kind of attitude do you have toward them?

Giving to God of our means involves a lot of self-sacrifice in a society which tries to take a little more  every year. Unfortunately, many times we tend to let what should be a “priority” fall to a point of contributing out of our overflow. We divide what is left over after all the bills are paid. God deserves more than that. God has been so good to us. We need to be good to him! 

In Mark 10:28-31, Peter commented on the cost of discipleship but the Lord responded with the true cost of being a disciple. The widow had that attitude and she was not even under the New Covenant. Although she did not have the words of Jesus and Paul, she understood her duty to God. Perhaps she could teach us a few things.

If we know of brethren in certain parts of the world who are suffering, such as in the Philippines or elsewhere, then let us display the love of Christ and honor the example of the poor widow and sacrifice for their equality and well-being.

2326 Centertree Dr., Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 7 p16  April 6, 2000

Preachers’ Class in Belize

By Bobby Graham

From January 13-27 I was in Corozal Town, Belize, Central America, working with the congregation resulting from the work of Jesse Hightower and Dana Whisler. Both of these men have sacrificed much in family associations, conveniences, and security in order that they might do the work of the gospel in an area needing it.

The principal purpose of this second trip was to work with the men of the congregation desiring to grow in preaching the Word. For ten sessions, the men came at some sacrifice of time and energy, because most of them faced an early wake-up the following day for work in the sugar cane fields or on the trucks. We hope that the next class can be set up during November, when the cane work is idle. Attendance was quite good, ranging from nine to twelve. Interest on the part of most was high, with discussions nightly manifesting such interest and concern.

The study this time centered on Paul’s Letters to Preachers — 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. Materials used included outlines of the letters, translated into Spanish, along with other motivational material related to the letters. The final session made use of a sheet compiling material studied, providing the basis for self-evaluation through a series of questions raised concerning matters that will be mentioned later.

The method employed was a textual study of Paul’s three letters. Special emphasis was placed on the preacher’s work, attitude, manner of carrying out his responsibilities, example, handling of the Scriptures, dealing with error and errorists, and facing temptations. The material studied was made more practical by a nightly discussion by the men of their own concerns relating to that night’s study and issues raised regarding it.

The final sessions’ consideration of a inductive compilation of material from the three letters was for the purpose of each man’s evaluating himself in significant areas:

  •  N.T. designations for preachers were used to show the general kind of work done by a preacher. The focus of this emphasis was upon one’s willingness to do what the Lord desires. 
  • Other points from the letters were used to demonstrate the importance of preaching. In this area the focus was on why one is preaching. Does he preach for the reasons suggested by the importance of the task.
  • Divine qualifications for preachers, contrasted with human expectations, were then noted from the letters to stress who should preach and how he should proceed. The questions then asked were whether each man should preach and whether he was doing his work as God expects. 
  • The preacher’s duties to the gospel were finally examined, in order to scrutinize each man’s view of the message and his valuing of it in the work done.

Planning for a future class in November has already begun, based on the expressed desire of the men for another one. It will probably focus on Bible history and geography, as it relates to understanding the historical development of God’s plan to save the world in Jesus Christ. Of course, this study will involve the entire Bible story. It is hoped that this material also can be provided in the Spanish language, making it more useful for some of the men, though English is the official language of this former British colony (British Honduras).

This brief review is provided in the hope that it might provide some insight and motivation for similar work on the part of others. There is much that so many can do to assist in the work of evangelism. 

24978 Bubba Tr., Athens, Alabama 35613 bobbylgraham@juno.com

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 7 p22  April 6, 2000