THEME: What in the World?

by Chris Reeves

Synopsis: Chronicling recent news reports, Chris notes the callousness of those who destigmatize abortion and the courage of others who are willing to affirm their faith in a literal six-day creation week.

Foolish Fruit Fanatics

Pro-abortionists tied to a New York City abortion clinic have been using the papaya fruit to teach the public how to perform first-trimester abortions. Abortionist Zoey Thill teaches classes using Hawaiian papaya to mimic a woman's uterus. Thill inserts her finger into the fruit (simulating the "cervix"), followed by metal tapered rods to dilate the opening, and then followed by a plastic tube called a cannula which is attached to a manual vacuum aspirator used to suck out the inner contents of the papaya (to suck out the baby in a real abortion). The procedure takes about three minutes. One abortionist instructor reportedly said it is "even more satisfying when it's a real abortion."

"Papaya workshops" are popping up around the country and the goal of organizers is two-fold: (1) teach people how to perform an abortion and (2) desensitize people toward abortion. Zoey Thill said that her desire was to "combat fear, misinformation, and stigma" surrounding abortion. She hopes her papaya demonstrations will encourage people to stop using the term, "surgical abortion," and start using the term, "procedural abortion." She said that "surgical abortion" is a term that "makes it sound way more dramatic than it has to be." Clearly, abortionists are trying their hardest to destigmatize and desensitize the act of abortion. They are trying to get more people comfortable with killing babies in the womb. One organization, the Reproductive Health Education in Family Medicine (RHEDI), hosted a "Papaya Workshop and Free Luncheon" to demonstrate hands-on training in manual vacuum aspiration for early abortion using papayas as models.

When I read about the organizers and instructors of these "papaya workshops," I am reminded of the words of Jeremiah. He spoke of people who "were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush" (Jer. 6:15). I am reminded of the words of Isaiah, who spoke of people who "call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness" (Isa. 5:20). I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul, who referred to those that were "past feeling" (Eph. 4:19).

Friend, don't be misled by these foolish fruit fanatics who are radical about promoting their culture of death. The baby inside a mother's womb is a "child" (Eccl. 11:5) who is "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139:13-14). Death is death, murder is murder, and a papaya demonstration with a free luncheon will never change that.

Six-Day Steadfastness

Can we learn anything good from our denominational neighbors? Let's see. When the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church recently convened in Tampa, FL for their Sixty-Seventh Regular Convention, delegates approved a resolution (Res. 5-09A) reaffirming the denomination's belief in the literal interpretation of the book of Genesis including the belief that God created the heavens and earth in "six natural days." The resolution defined "natural" according to Genesis 1:5: "There was evening and there was morning, the first day." Synod President Matthew C. Harrison remarked about this resolution:

We try to only say what the Bible says, and otherwise keep our mouths shut. It's hard for me to believe the Genesis account, … but I do believe it because I believe it's the Word of God.

Now, while I would never encourage or condone denominationalism with its conventions, Lutheran or otherwise, I would commend this religious body for one thing: being willing to stand for Bible truth concerning the days of creation in a world dominated by a pseudo-scientific theory of evolution. If these people can stand up and be steadfast about the "six natural days" of creation, surely we can as well. May we never offer up any creation compromises in our preaching or teaching. Rather, may we resolve (without drafting a formal resolution at a convention) to be steadfast to always stand for the truth of Moses' words: "for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth" (Exod. 20:11; 31:17).


Maule, Will. "'Even More Satisfying... When It's Real': Sickening NYC Workshop Teaches Abortion Technique Using Papaya Fruit." Faithwire. July 29, 2019.

Clark, Heather. "Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Approves Resolution Reaffirming Belief in Literal Six-Day Creation." Christian News. July 30, 2019.

Author Bio: Chris preaches for the Warfield Blvd. Church of Christ in Clarksville, TN. His Bible study website is He can be reached at

“Uterine evacuation demonstration using papaya and manual vacuum aspiration kits for medical students and trainee medical officers in Australia.” “Abortion Method Using Papaya and Manual Vacuum Aspiration (Mva).” YouTube: What RU4NT. August 11, 2016.