WHO WE ARE: Helping Us Grow

by Daniel H. King, Sr.

Synopsis: Focusing on the importance of Bible study and the need to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, Dan relates how Truth Publications is dedicated to producing reliable Bible study materials that help us grow closer to God.

“Grow or Die” is a theory of transformation in the business world which has become a cornerstone in strategic planning and organizational transformation of corporations. Dr. George Land applied this idea to organizations, which was already widely recognized in the area of physical, chemical, psychological and cultural processes. His important 1973 book bore this title. The point of his hypothesis is simple: either an organization is on a path to growth, or it is on a path toward decline—one or the other. This perspective makes perfect sense, and the conclusion he draws from it is inarguable. Companies are either growing or they are dying.

Nevertheless, this concept has larger implications than that which relates to corporations and companies. It is applicable to churches as institutions and individual congregations as well. It also applies to individuals. Ask yourself the following question: Spiritually speaking, are you growing or dying? As a Christian are you growing stronger and better, or no? It is one or the other. It cannot be both. We are growing in our walk with God, and learning more about Jesus and his will for us, or else we are losing ground. This is a hard reality to face, but the “grow or die” principle is universally applicable. It applies to you. It applies to me. It has application to the church with which you worship; it is either gaining ground or losing it.

God wants us to grow. That is self-evident. The word of God has many reminders to this effect, and most of us know them very well. Some of us can quote them off-hand without too much thought. Let us take a moment to remind ourselves of a few of them. For example, Paul said to Timothy:

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15 ESV).

The Lord’s faithful people are commanded to grow:

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, even Christ (Eph. 4:15).

Like small children, growing and developing, we are to develop into the full-grown, mature Christians that God would have us to be:

...as newborn babes, long for the spiritual milk which is without guile, that you may grow thereby unto salvation (1 Pet. 2:2).

It should be our aim to grow in both grace and knowledge, through the study of God’s inspired Word and through spiritual exercise, making application of the principles we learn:

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and for ever. Amen. (2 Pet. 3:18).

Those of us who work with Truth Publications/CEI Bookstore are all about the process of furthering the growth of congregations and individual Christians. The local church is God’s chosen environment for the cultivation of spirituality and Christian maturation (Eph. 3:10). To this end, tools are needed, such as Bibles and books. The work of the church is outlined in Ephesians 4:12 as being for “the perfecting of the saints...the work of ministering... (and the) building up of the body of Christ.”

While printing and publishing is not part of this effort, printed books and materials are helpful aids in these works, making them function with greater efficiency and ease. Possessing a Bible helps us learn the Bible. We learn about the Bible when we read and study books concerning the Bible. That is what we are about at Truth Publications and the CEI Bookstore. The following are some of the ways that we are intent upon being helpful to the congregation where you worship and serve God, as well as in your pilgrimage toward a full-grown faith:

1. Truth Magazine. For many decades, we have made a monthly paper available to all who wish to subscribe, having helpful articles calculated to increase one’s knowledge of God’s will. The articles are intended to be timely, appropriate to the challenges and doctrinal winds that are blowing about in the brotherhood and in the world, and challenging for your study of the Bible. Mark Mayberry very capably steers this journal toward these ends. Each month it has about fourteen articles, assuring a wide range of content and subject matter. If you read it through entirely each month, at the end of a year, you will have imbibed 168 articles on wholesome, biblically-centered subjects. How could that not be helpful? Mark recently commented about his work:

The work of an editor is simply to help authors communicate clearly and concisely. We use various proofing tools and techniques to catch typos, and other literary gremlins that hide until after a document is printed. I try to smooth out wording where it may be overly complicated, to reduce redundancy or repetitive language that often occurs. We have adopted a standardized style-guide to help maintain consistency across our various products. In other words, an editor’s role is to eliminate obstacles that hinder communication. Yet, through the entire process, our goal is to promote biblical truth while maintaining respect for the individuality and intent of each author.

2. Bibles and Books for Church Libraries and Personal Study. At the CEI Bookstore, we stock hundreds of titles besides the ones that we print. Almost any book that you want or require can be ordered through our helpful staff. We maintain a considerable offering of different Bibles, in different translations, and a great variety of bindings. Call us at (855) 492-6657 and ask one of our staff members for help and advice on what to buy and we will ship it to you as quickly as is possible.

As a preacher and Bible student, I own hundreds of good books on biblical subject matter. Besides the Bible itself, they represent my most important physical asset as a gospel preacher and teacher of the Word. Paul felt the same way. His traveling library was separated from him for a short period, and he thus asked Timothy to bring those books and parchments to him when he came his way (2 Tim. 4:13). All of us ought to own a library of some kind, however small it might be.

3. An Inventory of Over 800 Titles. Since this company (in its various manifestations) has been in business for over sixty years, we have a deep well of existing books, booklets, pamphlets, and tracts from which to draw as we make available to our readership materials that will be helpful and encouraging for them. Many competitors have come and gone, but we have persisted in business and continued to serve brethren and congregations with material that is both scriptural and beneficial. Our business plan does not involve making a profit. We are a non-profit organization that sinks every dollar we accumulate back into the printing and circulating of more scriptural material. That is what we do, and it is all we do, year after year. We presently own and publish three different series of Bible Class curricula, along with many individual titles for classroom study. Check out our website for details. Presently, our most popular curriculum is Discovering God’s Way, edited by Robert Harkrider. Many very capable writers contributed to this excellent series.

4. A Publishing Committee Composed of Four Christian Men. Mark Mayberry, Kyle Pope, Mike Willis, and I make up the group of men who consider and edit those materials that are published by the company. Once more, we will allow Mark Mayberry to comment on what we do and how we do it:

The Publications Committee is responsible for converting older books and workbooks in our catalog into the newer format required by the modern “Print-On-Demand” model that now dominates the market. We also evaluate new manuscripts that are sent our way for potential publication. We are on the lookout for newer authors among faithful brethren who have produced good Bible study material that is (1) faithful to the biblical pattern, and is (2) designed to challenge readers and contribute to their spiritual growth.

Any writer who is a Christian is welcome to call any one of us and send a completed manuscript for consideration. We would love to help if we can.

Kyle Pope offers the following comments regarding the work that he does and that we are currently doing together as a team:

This work involves not only layout and design, but reading and editing. This is an invaluable aid in my own preaching. While I can offer some assistance in guaranteeing the soundness of material that is published, I gain so much in the process as I feed upon the rich teaching good brothers and sisters in Christ have put in print. In this regard, it is humbling to recognize the role we can play in helping the gospel spread through the materials we provide to Christians the world over, but it is also exciting to consider the impact the efforts we make can have on generations to come. Our lives are limited, but the written word can live when our brief lives have passed.

As I write these words I have a hand in many such good works. Two workbooks in the Bible Text Book series will soon be updated. Sister Melba Edwards has prepared children’s versions of their well-received If You Had Been… series. One is in print and three more will be out soon. A number of the books in the Discovering God’s Way series still need teacher’s manuals, and several will be in print soon. Brother John Humphries has now completed his work on a Commentary on Isaiah for the Truth Commentary series. He has requested a few maps for the book, which I will complete as I do the final editing and layout to get it in print very soon. Several books, utilizing articles from Truth Magazine on various topics such as evidences, authority, and leaving a spiritual legacy, are also on the schedule. Finally, this month we are completing the final preparation of the lecture book for our June lectureship, Taking His Hand, Helping Each Other Home. I am thankful to God for the good brothers and sisters in my local congregation, and the good people who serve with me in work for Truth Publications to be able to participate in this rewarding and important work.

4. Truth Commentaries. As most of you are well aware, almost three decades ago we began a series of printed commentaries on both the Old and New Testaments. It was a huge and very expensive undertaking. Yet, it has continued apace, thanks to the fact that these books have been well received among brethren for their scholarship and trustworthiness to the text. Mike Willis, editor for the series, offers the following update for readers about the Old Testament series (being that the New Testament volumes are complete):

I have finished writing the entire Commentary on Genesis and am on my third edit. At the same time, Kyle Pope is reading the book and giving me feedback. I have the commentary laid out in InDesign. There will be very little that remains to be done before it can “Go to Press” when this is finally submitted.

The Blackmores are currently working on a rewrite of Song of Solomon. When this is finished, we will publish Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon in one volume. Psalms (Volume 2), Joshua-Ruth, and Proverbs are all works in progress.

For the present, many titles are available below cost in our inventory reduction sale. Ask about the Classic Truth Commentaries and what titles are still available!

5. Truth Lectures. Each year we gather with many friends from all around the world to enjoy a week together in studying a special topic. Many different speakers address us at the Athens Bible School in Athens, Alabama. This year the dates are June 25-28. Come and join us for another great opportunity for spiritual growth!

Author Bio:

Daniel preaches for the Locust St. church of Christ in Mt. Pleasant, TN. He can be reached at danielhking@hotmail.com.