Questions and Answers
by Bobby L. Graham
In Colossians 3:3, Paul says, "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." What is the meaning of the phrase, "hidden with Christ"?
I will give you my best judgment about this statement.
- "For you died…" Paul provides reasons for setting their minds on heavenly things, as in verse 2. They died to the world and sin when they repented of their sins in obedience to the gospel, showing their willingness to separate themselves from the world, i.e., the things on the earth.
- "Your life is hidden with Christ in God." Despite their spiritual death to sin as a way of living, they were alive spiritually, enjoying union with Christ in their relationship to God. In fact, their life was hidden. Surely this does not mean that they were not showing any signs of spiritual life, that others could not even see that they were spiritually alive. That could not be Paul's meaning, given his commendation of them in 1:3-8. Rather, it must mean that the source of their spiritual life was hidden from the world. In other words, the world did not understand the source of their life in Christ, because they do not view things from the standpoint of the understanding found in the Bible. The world is ignorant of such things; therefore, they live in denial of the good that is in Christ, refusing to believe His claims, embrace His authority, accept His offer, enjoy His blessings, or stand upon His promises.
- Paul makes it clear that at the appearance of Jesus Christ upon His return, He who is their (and our) life—the source and cause of all spiritual life is in Him and available only in relation to Him —would consummate their (and our) life in eternal glory ("then you also will appear with Him in glory"). This is the end toward which spiritual life in Christ leads us if we persist faithfully in serving Him.
Therefore, it behooves all Christians to be careful about their lives, stay focused on the heavenly goal, and maintain their steadfast pursuit of the Lord's will by remembering that Christ is the source of their life, that only in union with Him is such life preserved unto the end, and that He will ultimately reward the faithful with eternal life when He comes again.
Author Bio: Bobby L. Graham preaches and is an elder for the Old Moulton Rd church of Christ. He and his wife, Karen, have three children: Richard, Mary Katherine Winland (Darren), and Laura Paschall (Jeremy). He can be reached at bobbylgraham@pclnet.net.