by Sherelyn Mayberry

Synopsis: "Amazing love! How can it be that You, my God, should die for me? Amazing love! How can it be that You, my God, should die for me?"

The song, "And Can It Be?" (#451 in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs), can prick your heart to devote your life to God, who loved us so much and offers salvation though we are so undeserving. How can it be that I should have the opportunity to receive an inheritance, when I, like all of mankind, with the exception of Jesus, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23-25)? The wages of my sin is death, but I have been given a free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:23). We all, as sinners, caused Jesus pain, yet He still loved us so much He died for us as a gift of His grace so that we might be justified. While in my sin, I need to turn from the darkness of sin to the light, from the realm of Satan to God, so I can receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance with the redeemed (Acts 26:18). God gives His word to build us up, so we may know how to inherit the promise of salvation which is for those who are sanctified by Christ's blood (Acts 20:32). This "interest" in the Savior's blood was a part of God's plan and purpose before the world was in existence (Eph. 1:11, 14). Jesus loved us and released us from our sins by His blood (Rev. 1:5). His death took place so that we might have redemption for our transgressions and receive the promise of the eternal inheritance (Heb. 9:15). This inheritance is imperishable and will never fade away and is appropriated by the precious and perfect blood of Christ. How can I turn my back on His perfect love?

Jesus left heaven and became a man that He might freely die for me, a sinner needing grace. He became poor by emptying Himself that I might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9). The Word became flesh and dwelt among us as the Incarnate (John 1:14). This grace lavished on us was evidenced by His willingness to shed His blood and forgive us our trespasses (Eph. 1:7-8). We are made alive with Christ by faith and this grace bestowed is a gift from God (Eph. 2:5, 8). All men benefit from this grace which brings salvation (Tit. 2:11; Heb. 2:9). Adam committed an act of sin in the Garden and the human race has continued on that path. This transgression brought death into the world and the need for a sacrifice. Christ was that perfect sacrifice (Rom. 5:15, 17-18). Helpless as we are, God sent His Son to be the sin offering for the whole world (1 John 2:2). We can be reconciled to God through Christ as we repent and are baptized, and our sins are no longer counted against us (Acts 2:38; 2 Cor. 5:18-19). Will I turn away from Christ who bled for me?

How am I able to come boldly before God's throne? God loved us so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son to die on the cross that we might approach Him and have everlasting life (John 3:16). I can draw near with confidence to the throne of grace to receive mercy, because I have a High Priest who intercedes for me (Heb. 4: 15-16; 10:19-22). God knew man would fall into sin, but He had a purpose for man, a holy calling, desiring to extend grace through Christ Jesus for all eternity (2 Tim. 1:9). This grace which is bestowed abundantly comes through faith and love in Jesus. He came to save sinners and this love found me, just like it found Paul, the "chiefest of sinners" (1 Tim. 1:14-15). Through obedience and the sprinkling of His blood in baptism, I can embrace grace and peace to the fullest (1 Pet. 1:2). It was not that I loved God so much; in fact, I went away from God, but He loved me and sent His Son to be the propitiation for my sins (1 John 4:9-10). His love found me. How can I reject it?

"Amazing love! How can it be that You, my God, should die for me? Amazing love! How can it be that You, my God, should die for me?"

Author Bio: Sherelyn is the wife of Mark Mayberry, who labors with the Adoue Street congregation in Alvin, TX as an evangelist and elder. She can be reached at sherelynmayberry@live.com.