Last winter I assisted Ron Halbrook in his debate with Jack Freeman on divorce and remarriage. During that debate, I met for the first time several of the preachers from the West Coast who agreed with brother Freeman’s position on divorce and remarriage (or at least disagreed with the position held by the editor and staff writers of Guardian of Truth). Among those present was brother Glen Lovelady who ran the overhead projector for and assisted brother Freeman.
During the debate, I generally was impressed with the warm attitude manifested toward one another and the willingness to study the issues which divide us. One of the complaints which I heard was that Guardian of Truth was only publishing one side of the issue.
Although Guardian of Truth had published material representing another point of view on this subject (for example, Jerry Bassett’s material in the discussion with Weldon Warnock), neither the editor nor this paper has taken a neutral position on the divorce/remarriage controversy. Nevertheless, I wanted to give my brethren, who were so kind to me in Las Vegas, an opportunity to present their side in our pages.
Inasmuch as brother Lovelady was one who complained about only one side being published, I invited him to participate in a discussion on the subject to be published in Guardian of Truth. The result is the discussion which follows between brother Lovelady and brother Caldwell.
Both brethren have pressed their points in a gentlemanly fashion, have been co-operative on minor points of disagreement, and otherwise shown themselves to be honorable. I commend the exchange to you for your study.
Brother Lovelady desired a six article exchange which included two propositions of three exchanges each. He desired to discuss the marriages of those who had previously divorced for some reason other than fornication. He does not believe they must separate and live alone for the rest of their lives. Should there be enough interest for a second discussion, Guardian of Truth will be glad to print it. Let me hear from you.
Guardian of Truth XXXV: 2, p. 43
January 17, 1991