From Heaven Or From Men

By Clinton D. Hamilton Issues about marriage are of great interest. This is not astounding because marriage is co-extensive and basic to the human family. Likewise divorce and remarriage are topics of real concern. Questions related to these have been dealt with in this column. Question: The querist whose question is the subject of this article …

Romans 8:28-39: God Is Working For Us

By Johnny Stringer And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). Just how extensively is this principle to be applied? Are there no limitations to the “all things” that work together for our good? Many apply this …

Parents, Are Your Eyes Open?

By Lewis Willis Parade Magazine in the Akron Beacon Journal (7-14-91), contained a brief article entitled “Unflattering Portrait.” The substance of the article was a statement Senator Mark 0. Hatfield (R., Ore.) recently entered into the Congressional Record regarding the current status and real-life circumstances of American children. (All of the emphasises are mine, LW). As …