Sin, Forgiveness and Consequences

By Terry F. Sanders Sin is clearly defined in the New Testament as transgression of the law (1 Jn. 3:4, KJV). Another version says sin is lawlessness (Jn. 3:4, ASV). These translations center around the Greek word anomia which is a compound word from a, negative, and nomos, law (Vine’s). Sin is acting against or without …

Why the Use of Instrumental Music In Worship Should Not Be Made a Test of Fellowship

By David L. Eubanks (Editor’s Note: Shortly after the following article appeared in the 10 November 1991 issue of Christian Standard, I contacted Editor Sam Stone and obtained permission to reprint this article. Having obtained permission, I prepared a reply to the article and sent it to brother Eubanks requesting permission to reprint his article and …

Errors of the “One Nation Under God” Campaign

By Dick Blackford The Sycamore church in Cookeville, Tennessee decided to “meet the challenge” of raising $17 million to mail out a brochure to every home in the U.S., purchase ads in leading publications and conduct a TV program. When it became obvious they were not going to get $17 million they went back to the …