Great Themes From Acts: Great Commission Preaching

By Tom M. Roberts In this second of a series designed to encourage a deeper consideration of the themes to be found in the Book of Acts, we want to consider the faithfulness and accuracy of the apostles in carrying out the “marching orders” given to them by Christ when he gave to them the Great …

Fundamental Flaws in Teaching on Marriage

By Bobby L. Graham Has there ever been a time when more diverse thinking existed on the subject of marriage? It would appear that the once nearly unanimous teaching of brethren on this subject has been disrupted by concepts and theories conceived in the womb of necessity and born under conditions of convenience. The lack of …

Believer’s Baptism & Infant Sprinkling Contrasted

By S.K. Milton  Believer’s Baptism Infant Sprinkling Believer’s baptism is commanded – Matt. Infant sprinkling has not a single command. Believer’s baptism has examples. Infant sprinkling has no example. Believer’s baptism is from heaven – Matt. 21 Infant sprinkling is from men. Believer’s baptism is the counsel of God. Infant sprinkling has the counsel of men. …