Is Jesus God? (2): An Answer to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Doctrine on the Deity of Christ

By Jerry Crolius Was Jesus Created? The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ, from the beginning, was a creation of God – an angel of the highest order, Michael the Archangel. Jesus Christ, they teach, was actually Michael recreated in human form by God. Then, upon ascending into heaven as a recreated spirit being, Jesus Christ …

What is the Role of Elders?

By Stan Cox In our last article, we discussed the first of three questions concerning the office and authority of elder. The question answered was, “Who are elders?” Remember that Charles Holt and other writers for The Examiner magazine believe that the term signifies any older Christian. They deny that the office of an elder exists. …

Saints in Sturgis, Mississippi Suffer for Christ: Update for Winter 1991-92

By Bobby Holmes and Ron Halbrook The plight of the saints meeting in Sturgis, Mississippi has been described in two articles published during the summer of 1991. The deed for this small church’s building and property had been kept in the name of the larger Lee Blvd. church in nearby Starkville, a liberal church. The Sturgis church …