Please Comment on Matthew 19:11, 12

By Harold Hancock One must search these verses carefully to obtain the right meaning, but a correct interpretation will not nullify Jesus’ earlier teaching on divorce and remarriage and permit an adulterer to remarry. After Jesus taught the Pharisees that God joins man and woman together and that whosoever puts away his wife except for fornication …

The New Testament Church In Russian

By Thomas G. O’Neal When Roy Cogdill was in his twenties, he wrote The New Testament Church. At the time, little did he realize the far reaching effects for good it would have. It has been translated into about a dozen foreign languages. The American Braille Society has put it into braille. It has been through …

Christ and the Church

By Robert H. Farish The attempts to escape an “institutional sense” or denominational concept, which some people hold with reference to the church, have resulted in some fleeing to a “simple individual to Christ relationship” concept which rejects the teaching of the Scriptures on “Christ and the church” relationship. The doctrine of “setting in order” and …