Love, Law and Mercy

By Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. Frequently, we hear from brethren who seemed bent on freeing us from the shackles of “legalism” or “phariseeism,” as they perceive it. To these people, viewing the New Testament as a rigid standard for moral and religious conduct makes one a “legalist,” the chief of sinners, a pharisee of pharisees, without …

Organizations Have Limitations: Exceeding Them Brings Disaster

By Wallace H. Little The Jews allowed the Sabbath to be the end itself, rather than as Mark records Christ in saying, it was to serve man (Mk. 2:27 – “the Sabbath was made for men, not man for the Sabbath”). J.C. Briney was the major figure saving the Missionary Society from extinction. At the 1906 …

From Piano to a Gay Pulpit in Only 100 Years

By Randy Blackaby An article in the October 31 edition of the Kokomo Tribune about the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) stunningly revealed the ends of apostasy in the Lord’s church. Entitled “Illinois pastor chosen acting Disciples leader,” the article told of an Illinois “pastor” who had agreed to accept the title of “acting president and …

A Plea for Care in Using the Lord’s Money

By Charley Alexander, James Moore and J.D. Harris We are sharing the following information for the sole purpose of urging brethren everywhere to be as careful and cautious as possible in supporting gospel preachers from the church treasury. The information we are sharing makes us painfully aware of how important it is to know what is …