Exploding the “Big Bang Theory” (1)

By Joe R. Price Scientists believe they have discovered relics of the “Big Bang” which they say created the universe 15 billion years ago. These celestial fossils are “massive wisps of gas more than 500 million light years long” and are the “oldest structures ever observed” according to astrophysicist George Smoot (Salt Lake Tribune, Al, 4/24/92). …

Christ Spoke Plainly on Divorce and Remarriage

By Jerry Crolius The National Center for Health Statistics says there were nearly 2.4 million weddings in 1988. Some 10.7 percent of these marriages were divorced men marrying never-married women, and 10.9 percent were marriages of divorced women to never-married men. (There were no figures reported in the article about how many marriages united a divorced …

Great Themes From Acts: Benevolence

By Tom M. Roberts Beggars are an uncommon sight in America. Though it is true that we have problems with the homeless, unemployed and poor in our nation, there are the safety nets of food stamps, shelters, welfare support and multitudes of charitable and religious organizations that operate twenty-four hours a day and three hundred sixty-five …