Jesus Would Be Called A Pharisee Today (1)

By Partick Donahue The charge of “Phariseeism” has been made by many in the religious world in recent times. I believe that many, if not all, of those making the charge misunderstand what Phariseeism really was. According to their view of Phariseeism, as seen in their explanations for their charges, the “arch-enemy” of the Pharisees in …

Jesus on Divorce and The Worth of Women

By Dan King The current climate in our nation regarding divorce and the breakup of the traditional home is not only appalling to good men and women everywhere, but is abhorrent to the God of heaven. The same general circumstance which led the Lord to say, “I hate divorce” (Mal. 2:16), surely makes him view this …

Unfeigned Love of the Brethren

By Mike Willis Christianity has experienced many aberrations. Perhaps none has been so unique as that of those who sought to escape the world by becoming hermits. Part of one’s service in Christ is administering to the needs of others, especially his own brethren (Gal. 6:10). Peter wrote, “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying …