Deference to Weak Brethren

By Cecil B. Douthitt (1896-1971) Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8 have been erroneously used and misapplied to teach that certain religious activities projects and methods of church work should be abandoned merely because they offend the consciences of weak brethren. These chapters teach no such thing. Romans 14:1-2 – Weak in Faith The brother described …

How to Remain Friends Amidst Controversy

By Al Kiestelkamp There is no way to completely avoid controversy among brethren. Recognizing this, we need to be determined to remain friends in spite of our differences. If you and I are friends we will seek every option available to us to maintain our relationship, but if we are merely acquaintances we may not be …

The Propriety Of Religious Controversy

By M.C. Kurfees (1856-1931) It is one of the easiest things for men to be lopsided in religion. They go to extremes, either stopping short of the true line of rectitude or going beyond it. There is probably no field in which this tendency is more conspicuously exhibited than in the field of religious controversy. Personal …