Witnesses for Jesus

By Jeffrey L. Smith Perhaps you’ve heard of or experienced some one “witnessing for Jesus” or giving his “personal testimony” for Jesus. Both practices involve presenting evidence for Jesus’ existence and power based on personal experience. The practices are popular with many denominations and several television evangelists. However, when the practice is examined through the magnifying …

“An Uncertain Sound”: (1 Cor. 14:8)

By Luther W. Martin Paul the Apostle continued: “So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken?” (1 Cor. 14:9). Many years ago, the late Foy E. Wallace, Jr., from time to time criticized the writings of Jimmie Lovell in the publication Action. As …

Hand Clapping in Worship

By Grover Stevens I have been asked by several if hand-clapping in our worship services is right. I understand that some churches of Christ in Lubbock engage in this practice. Hand-clapping in our worship services is justified and defended as “authorized” or “scriptural” on the same grounds as “song books, church buildings, paid preachers, kitchens in …

What Do You Mean, You Believe in God?

By Norman E. Fultz Results of a Gallup poll published a while back reveal that “94 percent of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit.” The survey noted differences between those with different levels of education as to their religious perceptions. Among college graduates only 91 percent believe in God or a universal spirit. This …