A Review of The Divorced and Remarried Who Would Come to God by Homer Hailey

By Weldon E. Warnock The task of reviewing brother Homer Hailey’s booklet, The Divorced and Remarried Who Would Come to God gives me no satisfaction. He has been my good friend for about forty years, having first met him while I was a student and he was a professor at Florida College. I took every class, …

America Reverence for Life

By Luther Bolenbarker During the 200 plus years of our history, America has engaged in six wars (listed below) in which Americans have died at the hand of the enemy. In the table of war below, each cross (+) represents 25,000 Americans killed. These war casualties represents all the American combat-related deaths. Revolutionary War (Freedom from …

Eulogy for Janie Fleniken Martin: A Journey In Faith

By Theron E. Martin This eulogy has been delayed for two years because of my grief. My good and faithful wife, Janie Fleniken Martin, passed from this earth on March 28, 1989. Only now can I attempt to praise her before God and men. She was an exceptional Christian and one without guile. I first remember …