From Heaven Or From Men

By Clinton D. Hamilton A reader poses several questions in a letter to me which he desires to have addressed in this column. Basically the questions center around a Christian’s having business dealings with a non-Christian or with one who is a wayward Christian. These questions are considered in this article. Question: May Christians utilize facilities …

Modern Cinematic Entertainment

By Tony Eldridge What would life in America be like without movie theaters and video stores today? Dates, parties, and entertainment itself would totally change without movies. Though I am not advocating that Christians give up this pleasure, I am, however, strongly grieved at the irresponsible way many Christians view some movies without taking into consideration …

Repentance and God’s Marriage Law

By Connie W. Adams It is argued by some that if people in unscriptural marriages must sever that relationship upon obeying the gospel, that penance is being exacted rather than repentance. Brother Homer Hailey holds this view and has stated it clearly. I believe he is wrong about this. The Catholic doctrine of penance imposes some …