“Having Confidence In Your Obedience. . .”

By Harry R. Osborne The book of Philemon in the New Testament is short in length, but teaches us a great lesson about dealing with others. The apostle Paul wrote it as a letter to a fellow Christian, Philemon. The letter was carried by Philemon’s runaway slave Onesimus who had been converted to Christ by Paul. …

A Review of The Divorced and Remarried Who Would Come to God by Homer Hailey: The New Covenant

By Weldon E. Warnock In chapter four of his book, brother Hailey discusses the New Covenant. He concludes that only those who enter a contract or agreement with God on his terms are in covenant relationship with him. He wrote, “The alien is not under the covenant law of Christ until he brings himself under it …

The Kind of Life That Is Pleasing to God (6): The Christian and the Body – Attributes Displayed Therein (Romans 12:3-8)

By Jimmy Tuten I. The danger of placing too high an estimate upon oneself: A. Humility (vv. 3-5, think of self, but not too highly). We are to think soberly (Gr. sophronein, sanely, in one’s right mind. This cuts the very vitals of human weakness and pride. It prohibits anyone from forming and entertaining an estimate …