Authorized Aids Or Additions?

By Larry Ray Hafley The Bible does not state that Noah used hammers, saws and axes in the construction of the ark. However, such instruments were authorized by the command, “Make thee an ark” (Gen. 6:14). Without the instruction to build the ark, the tools would have been without justification. The Bible does not mention church …

“The Greatest Examination” (2): 2 Corinthians 13:5

By Bob Dodson As we continue the “Great-Test” Examination, when we stand before Christ in Judgment (2 Cor. 5: 10-11) this is the examination that we “must” have taken and passed by God’s mercy and grace (Tit. 3:3-8). Let us answer with our Bibles these “negative” questions that deserve our undivided attention. Again, let us remember …