May One Church Withdraw From Another?

By Weldon E. Warnock To decide whether one church may withdraw fellowship from another church, we must determine whether there is any fellowship that exists between churches. Fellowship cannot be withdrawn if there is no fellowship. Defining “fellowship” and showing how it is used in the New Testament will help us resolve the matter. Definition of …

Saved Like The Thief, Or The Chief?

By Frank Jamerson In the Great Commission, Jesus taught that a person must believe, repent and be baptized in order to be saved (Matt. 28:1820; Mk. 16:15; Lk. 24:47). When men who believe in salvation by faith only hear these passages, they usually ask, “What about the thief on the cross?” They never consider the chief …

How to Proceed in Administering Church Discipline

By O.C. Birdwell, Jr. Before attention is directed to the above subject, some consideration needs to be given to the word “discipline” as it is used in this discussion. In most translations, the word is not found in the New Testament. It must be used, therefore, to describe action taught in the New Testament. This, it …