Millennial Miscalculations

By Dudley Ross Spears Facts About Revelation 20 The twentieth chapter of Revelation is the passage millennialists and dispensationalists run to as a basis for their imaginary millennial kingdom. Since the expression “live and reign with Christ a thousand years” is found in that passage, they take it to be a literal thousand year reign here …

Have Ye Not Read?

By Hoyt Houchen Question: Does the Greek grammatical subjunctive in Galatians 6:10 and the context of the chapter authorize collective, general benevolence from a local church treasury? Reply: Paul wrote in Galatians 6:10, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of …

Misunderstanding Justification

By Mike Willis Despite the fact that so much has been written by so many Christians regarding salvation, every generation must be taught these basic facts again. In the recent controversies regarding the grace-unity movement, evidences of misunderstanding regarding salvation manifested themselves as many began to discuss justification by works versus justification by faith. The denominational …