The Pentecostal Church

By Gary Fisher “One of the most significant features of twentieth century religious life has been the phenomenal growth of Pentecostalism.”(1) Since many of our religious friends and neighbors are now Pentecostal, and since we have a responsibility to teach them the gospel, we need to become familiar with the Pentecostal church. This article will discuss the …

The Sacredness of Marriage (1)

By Bobby Witherington Under the law of Moses, God spake unto Aaron saying, “Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statue for ever throughout your generations” (Lev. 10:9). In the following verse the reason …

Bobby Witherington Added To Our Staff

By Mike Willis In an effort to provide more good writers for Guardian of Truth, I have asked brother Bobby Witherington, who preaches for the Mountain View church in San Bernardino, California to join our staff of writers. Brethren all over these United States have appreciated his work in the past and we are thankful to …