By Bobby Graham In response to a reply to my article by Bill McMilleon, Brother Willis has requested that I provide my own reply. I do so without any acquaintance with the respondent or hard feelings toward him. In that the members of the Revision Committee were extremely modernistic, denying the verbal inspiration of the Bible, …
Category Archives: Truth Magazine Vol. 22
The RSV Again?
By Bill McMilleon Every once in awhile throughout the maze of brotherhood publications an article appears in order to show that the Revised Standard Version of the scriptures is a perversion or at least an inferior translation. One such article was recently found in Truth Magazine (June 19, 1978) by Bobby Graham. It is with this …
Blessed Assurance (2)
By Mike Willis Every man should have the knowledge of salvation and the blessed assurance that should he die he would go to be at home with God. Yet, how does one know when and if he is saved? This has been a question asked by many through the years. Indeed, this has been a question …
I Met Ruth
By John Welch It is easy to imagine that everyone leads a life of pleasant happiness that many enjoy. It is easy to believe that all family situations are good and happy. But, they are not. There are still many people who endure much of that pictured in the Old and New Testaments. We are removed …