What the Cigarette Commercials don’t Show

By By Hugh J. Mooney In cigarette country, television commercials show two or three handsome, rugged cowboys on beautiful horses. Or there are sports cars, planes or scuba gear. The scene is always one of clean, windswept health. The people have a look of supreme confidence; the lovely girls all smile. I know another country. It …

Denominationalizing the Church (VIII)

By Roy E. Cogdill In our last article, we emphasized the Lord’s plan for the government of the church by the appointment of qualified men as elders, bishops, or pastors over the local church. The divine plan is a plurality of these in every church. They have the “rule” of the church committed into their hands …


By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From Hawaii: `All the teaching I have heard concerning speaking in tongues seems to be that the apostles were given this gift to spread the gospel. If the tongues were languages in every instance, why were interpreters needed? If the tongue had to be interpreted why did not the apostles just …

A Quote on Church Organization

By Larry Ray Hafley It is surprising how many denominational commentators will freely, openly and casually set forth the truth of the Bible which contradicts the teaching of the denomination with which they are affiliated and associated. Certain ones state the New Testament preaching and practice with such emphasis and clarity that it seems hard to …