By Ray Smellridge God, after five days of the creation process, reviewed His work and “saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:25). The following day after He had completed His creative labor by creating man, God “saw that it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). What was the difference? We are sure that both man and the …
Category Archives: Truth Magazine Vol. 19
The Deity of Christ
By David A. Webb At the heart of the doctrine of the 400,000 member sect calling itself Jehovah’s Witnesses are their false teachings regarding the deity of Christ. The Witnesses claim that Christ was the first created being of Jehovah, and that during this pre-human state Christ was the Word (Greek: Logos) of the Father, but …
The Church in Arkansas
By Donald P. Ames Despite the presence of Harding College (Searcy), Southern Christian Home (Morrilton) and the Paragould Children’s Home (Paragrould) in Arkansas, the cause of the Lord is not standing still in this state; faithful churches exist in each of the above mentioned cities. There are a number of good sound congregations standing for the …
Will the Earth remain Forever?
By Donald P. Ames One cardinal point of Jehovah Witness’ doctrine is that the earth will remain forever and will become the eternal dwelling place of those righteous persons who do not compose the 144,000 who, they say, are the only ones who will get to go to heaven (True Peace And Security, pp. 38-39, etc.). …