By Irvin Himmel God revealed Himself to man in the age of the patriarchs. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not left without a disclosure of the divine will. However, there was no written revelation in those days. With the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai, God began the utilization of writing to …
Category Archives: Truth Magazine Vol. 19
Personal Evangelism (I)
By William C. Sexton It is my conviction that one of the greatest, if not the greatest, needs in the church of the Lord today is a restoration of the sense of urgency to save the lost that characterized the early disciples of the Lord. This sense of urgency, it appears to me, is lacking in …
Twisted Scriptures: 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1
By Mike Willis The leaders of the new Unity-Cult have charged that every Scripture that we have used to discuss withdrawing fellowship over doctrinal issues has been abused: In Restoration Review, Leroy Garrett has begun a study of these abused passages which is to last for two years. Having read his article “How Men Use The …
What is Truth? (II)
By Roy E. Cogdill Since only the truth can make men free, it is important for us to know exactly how the truth may be determined. By what standard can it be established? There is no substitute for truth butt error. Truth is narrow and is always consistent. There must be some rule or rules by …