Baptism – What It Won’t Do

By Foy W. Vinson I suppose that the subject of baptism is the most highly controverted of all the themes mentioned in the New Testament. Often discussions on this theme are attended with great passion or emotion and from the seemingly endless and fruitless arguments arising therefrom it would appear, at least to the casual observer, …

The Neglected Truths of James 1:27

By Robert H. West “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” The above passage has figured very prominently in the current controversy concerning benevolent institutions. Some brethren contend that this passage is authority for the …

Demonology (2)

By Jerry C. Ray In a previous article the concepts of the heathen writers, the Hellenistic writers, and the “church Fathers” concerning demonology were presented. Three modernistic theories to explain away New Testament demonology were considered and answered. At this point let’s notice a basic fallacy in the Modernist’s denial of the existence of demons in …