Editorial: The Ketcherside Unity Plea

By Leslie Diestelkamp Most Christians today are perhaps aware that brother Carl Ketcherside, of St. Louis, Mo., has been throughout the last three decades one of the most able and most conservative gospel preachers in America. I do not imply by that statement that most of us agreed with him, but we had to recognize his …

False Standards of Authority

By Ferrell Jenkins The only standard of authority for the church of Christ is the words of Christ and the apostles as revealed in the New Testament. However, from time to time, we hear various “false standards” advanced as authority for certain acts. Sectarians have been using these “standards” all along. It is not difficult to …

Cobwebs in the Church

By David Lawrence Departures from the truth always are a result of an attitude toward the Scriptures. the faithful child of God should take precautions against the developing of an unhealthy attitude. When such an incipient attitude is discerned in congregations or individuals, it is time for some corrective action. We would like to call your …

Editorial: Consider the Name – “Christian”

By Bryan Vinson, Jr. I hold that the name “Christian” is sacred. I believe that most students of the word of God will agree with this. However, I feel that no word in the human vocabulary is the object of more abuse than this sacred term. Men speak of “Christian communities,” “Christian nations,” and “a Christian …