Baptism – What It Will Do

By Foy W. Vinson There are many things that baptism will not do. It doesn’t change one’s heart, remove temptation, guarantee a sinless life or guarantee eternal life. And yet at the same time there are some things which baptism will do. Modern denominationalism has been almost entirely negative in its treatment of baptism to the …

Church Discipline

By Connie W. Adams Church discipline is a much-neglected subject. In many places, a good lesson from the pulpit setting forth just exactly what the Bible says on the subject would be a great shock to those assembled. A failure to understand and practice corrective discipline has resulted in congregations being filled with half-converted, worldly minded, …

“Prove All Things… Hold Fast That Which Is Good…” (1 Thess. 5 21-22)

By Luther W. Martin In our modern age of new religious doctrines, new medicines, new inventions, new chemicals, new habits a n d recreations, the scripture that is used as title for this article, needs to be stressed more than ever. By inspiration, the Apostle Paul states: “…Know ye not that your body is the temple …