The Scourging of Jesus

By David McClister Crucifixion was an agonizing, torturous death, but Jesus endured a torture that was nearly as, or perhaps equally, excruciating before he ever got to the cross. This was the pain he suffered when he was scourged. Scourging, called verberatio by the Romans, was possibly the worst kind of flogging administered by ancient …

The Roman Trial of Jesus Christ

By Harold Tabor Pilate was the sixth procurator of Judea (Sabinus, Coponius, Ambivus, Rufus, Gratus) who was appointed by Tiberius Caesar. His wife was named Claudia. They normally lived in the Roman headquarters at Caesarea on the coast (Acts 23:35). But, at the time of major feasts, they would have come to Jerusalem and stayed …