A Reader Asks: What Is Liberalism?

By Ron Halbrook I have been asked to explain the meaning of the term “liberalism” as it has been used to describe problems and issues among churches of Christ since the 1950s. We are always glad to receive and answer questions from those who are “searching the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts …

“Good and Wonderful Works” In Whose Eyes?

By Dick Blackford Congregations often engage in practices that are questioned and defended on the basis that these are “good and wonderful works.” But are these from heaven or from men? In whose eyes are they good works? Inspiration recognizes two kinds of good works. Those in the eyes of men and those in the …

Thinking Differently

By Mark Mayberry By the first century, religious thinking among the Jews had come to be characterized by several different outlooks. The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and Essenes each had their spheres of influence. Having staked out their doctrinal turf, they sought adherents to their particular party. Added to this mix were the distinctly political viewpoints of the …