Hard to be Understood

By Paul J. Casebolt The apostle Peter said that in Pauls epistles there were “some things had to be understood” (2Peter 3:16) I do not understand that Peter was paying Paul a “left-handed” compliment, and neither does Peter mean to discourage us from trying to understand divine revelation. He is simply stating some facts, and when …

Applause During Worship Or After Baptism

By Don R. Freiling There is concern about seemingly innocent changes some want to make in our observance of solemn but happy events (or our worship) to avoid what they call “Church of Christ ritualism.” Changes are sometimes refreshing, but care needs to be given that scriptural principals are not violated as we all strive to …

Legalized Adultery Again

By J. W. McGarvey (1829-1911) Since the publication of my recent article on the unscriptural marriage of divorced persons, I have received a number of communications from different parts of the country, expressing approval of what I have written, but calling for additional light on the subject. One brother propounds the following question: “If the husband …