Does the Restoration Plea Create Division?

By Mason Harris Jesus showed his intention to unite men of every nation when he said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32). To this end he said to his apostles, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the …

A Review of F. LaGard Smith’s “Five Levels of Fellowship”

By Johnny Stringer In the epilogue of his book, Who Is My Brother?, F. LaGard Smith publishes his letter to Max Lucado containing his replies to Lucado’s book, In the Grip of Grace. Following the letter, brother Smith writes: “Having now myself gone public through the pages of this book, and having written my own …

Adding “Gravitas” to Our Christianity

By Matt Allen I must confess I am quickly turning into a political junkie — as far as the upcoming Presidential election is concerned. In fact, I haven’t been this excited about an election in a long time. From installing a screen saver featuring my favorite candidate on my computer, to watching some of the …

Can We Have Common Cause With the Denominations?

By Bobby L. Graham This study considers another aspect of F. LaGard Smith’s book, Who Is My Brother? in this special issue. The need to consider this matter is the result of little and ineffective teaching concerning the uniqueness of the Lord’s church in the world and its distinctiveness from all human religious systems in …