Is Instrumental Music a Barrier to Fellowship?

By Irvin Himmel In the New Testament “fellowship” means communion, sharing, partnership, or joint participation. It is a term of intimacy. When Christians work and worship together, following the same Master, “striving together for the faith of the gospel,” being “of one heart and of one soul,” walking “by the same rule,” and speaking “as …

Megiddo (Plain of Esdraelon)

By Mike Willis The ancient town of Megiddo was destroyed so many times and by so many different conquerors that its name became synonymous with all out war and total destruction. Megiddo overlooks the Jezreel Valley and has been important militarily since ancient times. The fortified hill of Megiddo is a remarkable tel (settlement mound) …

A New Definition of a False Teacher

By Truman Smith When we were asked to take this assignment, to deal with such an often debated topic, the admonition of 1 Peter 2:17 where Peter said: “Love the brotherhood,” came to mind. Peter’s use of the word “love” conveys the idea of care and concern. Though the exercise of it often leads to …