Fellowship and Unscriptural Divorce and Remarriage

By O. C. Birdwell, Jr. This article will deal, as forthrightly as possible, with the question, “Do the scriptures allow an on-going fellowship with those who teach or practice unscriptural divorce and remarriage?” It seems that another fitting question would be, “Do the scriptures allow an on-going fellowship with those who persist in any sinful …

Baptism and the Fellowship of the Saints

By Steve Klein Changing Times A few months ago, a preacher from “a church of Christ” in our area had a Baptist preacher as a guest on his radio program. Throughout the broadcast, the former cheerfully referred to the latter as a “brother.” As I listened I thought to myself, “Doesn’t he know any better …

Prophecy — A Light in a Dark Place

By Connie W. Adams Peter spoke of the certainty of what he and other apostles reported. He said they were “eyewitnesses of his majesty” and then referred to the events at the transfiguration scene to which he was a witness. He contrasted that to “cunningly devised fables.” But there was another line of evidence which …