Why You Hear No Pianos (1)

By Don Hooton When people worship with most churches of Christ today, the absence of instrumental music nearly always causes a brief quizzing like, “Why don’t you use a piano or an organ or all the other instruments that other churches use?” Frankly, that’s a great question! And as Christians, we are, and should be, …

“The Truth About Jane”

By Heath Rogers The Lifetime Television Network recently aired their feature movie, “The Truth About Jane.” Jane is a teenage girl, and Lifetime wouldn’t be making a movie about her unless she had a problem. Care to guess what her problem is? Is she anorexic or bulimic? Does she have cancer? Are her parents divorcing? …

Andy, Barney, and Bible Classes

By Johnny Stringer “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” charged Jehovah as he set forth the reasons for Israel’s downfall (Hos. 4:6). Knowledge of God’s word has always been vital to maintaining a good relationship with him. Those who are ignorant of his word can neither obey his commands nor uphold the truths …