Worshipping God Is A Joy, Not A Bore

By Alan Roskos My purpose is to help young people realize the blessing the five acts of worship are to them. Many children and teenagers seem to think of the worship service as dull or boring. Usually, during the sermon, there is even someone asleep who should be listening. Hopefully, this article will help us all …

In Defense of Short Preaching Trips in A Mission Field

By Steve Wallace The most good in mission work, in cases with which I am familiar, comes when a man (or men) moves to the mission field of his choice and stays for an extended period of time preaching the gospel. Churches that have been planted by such efforts in various places in the U.S. and …

Liberals Lament Lost Identity

By Lewis Willis A sad awakening has occurred among those brethren who left us 40-plus years ago so that they could have church-supported benevolent institutions, unscriptural congregational cooperation which produced sponsoring-churches and sponsoring-elderships for programs like Herald of Truth, and activities such as fellowship halls and church dinners. It is increasingly apparent that many of the …