Fighting the Good Fight

By Mark Mayberry Tribute Presented in Memory of Ron Lloyd at the Lakewood Funeral Chapel, Clute, Texas, Wednesday, September 13, 2000. Brother Ron Lloyd, evangelist for the church of Christ in Clute, Texas, has passed from this life. A loving husband, father, brother, and friend has been taken. A soldier of the cross has fallen. …

Why You Hear No Pianos (2)

By Don Hooten Hermeneutic Argument The second argument is in hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the “science and methodology of interpretation” (Websters II). In other words, the argument against instrumental music is couched in the methodology we use to interpret things, namely the Bible.  Simply put, our method of understanding God’s will must presuppose that God’s speech permits …

Quit Using “Church Of Christ”?

By Larry Ray Hafley Before we deal with the question as to the advisability of using the designation, “church of Christ,” perhaps we should establish that it is a scriptural label. In 1 Thessalonians 2:14, the Spirit cited “the churches of God.” However, when he wanted to speak of one such church, he spoke of …

When Is a Creed a Creed, or When Is a Creed Not a Creed

By James P. Needham Recently, 67 brethren signed a letter to the administration of Florida College opposing the erroneous teaching of one of its faculty members and a brother who appeared on the annual lectureship. These brethren interpret the days of Genesis 1 as long periods of time, maybe millions of years, rather than six …