Painful Observations (2)

By Mike Rogacs A recent article of mine, “Painful Observations,” appeared in the January 5, 1995 issue of this magazine. The results of that article have overwhelmed me. I wish to share some of my thoughts concerning those results. Firstly, I wish to thank brother Willis for his agreement to print the article. The observations are …

The Woman’s Role in Teaching the Bible

By Johnny Stringer Review We have shown that the Bible sets forth the general principle that women are to teach the word of God. We pointed out, however, that there are two passages which place a restriction on the woman’s teaching. According to 1 Timothy 2:9-10, the woman is to maintain her place of subjection to …

Confronting the Religion of Islam (2): The Sacred Writings of Islam

By Bob Pulliam In the Quran and Hadith we find the sacred writings of Islam. The Quran is the highest, and Hadith is second only to the Quran (obviously leaving the Bible far behind). And it is these writings that prove to be the weakest link in Islam’s claims of divine origin. If the Quran is …