Fellowship and Friendship

By Edward O. Bragwell “Fellowship” and “friendship” are not synonyms. We have a hard time understanding this. We find it hard to deny the “right hand of fellowship” to friends, regardless of the their spiritual condition. A few find it hard to work in true partnership (fellowship) with any other than close friends. When a brother …

Philippine Profiles (3)

By Jim McDonald There are some areas in the Philippines in which a large concentration of congregations already exists. These congregations have no P.O. Box or street address with a neat little building and nicely painted sign giving times of worship, and the name of the preacher with telephone numbers to call for further information. Their …

Building Blocks Of the Church Of Christ (3) God Has Told Us How to Enter the Church

By Kenneth D. Sils Long ago, a man named Nicodemus came by night to our Savior, Jesus Christ, expressing his belief that Jesus was a great teacher. He based this conviction on all the supernatural signs he had witnessed, saying, “No one can do these signs unless God is with him.” At the beginning of John’s …