Value Of Human Life Made Trivial By Pagan Thinking

By Randy Blackaby As God and Scripture are rejected by an ever widening segment of our population so is the biblical concept that man is created in the image of God and filled with spirit and soul. The loss of such ancient truths has led to the gross trivialization of life and an undervaluing of this …

Palestine From the Coming of The Greeks to the Coming of the Lord

By Jim Gabbard Philip of Macedon might never have been heard of in history and his illustrious son, Alexander the Great, might have gone as an unknown but to a few except for the discovery of much gold in the area of Thessalonica, with which Philip built an army that eventually defeated the Medes, and if …

Palestine From the Coming of The Greeks to the Coming of the Lord

By Jim Gabbard Philip of Macedon might never have been heard of in history and his illustrious son, Alexander the Great, might have gone as an unknown but to a few except for the discovery of much gold in the area of Thessalonica, with which Philip built an army that eventually defeated the Medes, and if …

Eight Days Journey Through Four Millennia of History (2) From Tarsus to Mount Ararat

By Ferrell Jenkins The new road between Adana and Gaziantep was as good as any super highway one might find in the United States or Europe. Shortly before arriving at Gaziantep we reached an elevation of about 3600 feet above sea level, passing through beautiful mountains and valleys. Turkey is blessed with an abundance of grain …