By Thomas Bunting In 1918 the Jehovah Witnesses preached and published a book, “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” Ever since then they have, on several occasions, predicted the coming of Christ and the establishment of an earthly kingdom. The date from which their calculations were made was 1914. I remember well that in conversation with …
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My Physical Lass But My Spiritual Gain
By Adria Edwards It was about nine or ten months ago that I had decided it was time for me to start looking for a job. I was fifteen and was ready to start making my own money and to save some for college and have a little spending money. I was interested in some type …
Can A Child of God Fall Away and Be Lost?
By A.C. Grider Things a child of God can do: He can fail of the grace of God (Heb. 12:15). He can be led away with the error of the wicked (2 Peter 3:17). He can err from the truth (James 5:19). He can turn aside after Satan (1 Tim. 5:15). …
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Reading, Writing, and Reflecting
By Steve Willis Calling the Kettle Black Here’s an item, where the Roman Catholic church has ruled that a particular woman is not giving divine revelations: “The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the theological watchdog for the Roman Catholic Church, ruled last month that Greek Orthodox seer Vassula Ryden communicates “private messages” that are …