Last Article of Series How To Develop Self-Discipline

By Donnie V. Rader Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34). This series has been about learning to deny our-selves  learning to control or master ourselves. We have seen that God demands self-denial (part 1). We saw that we must …

Mastering Self (Part 5) Temperance

By Donnie V. Rader Temperance is essential to .. . Becoming a Christian Basic happiness Unity Living pure A happy marriage Temperance is needed in .. . Our temper Our pride Our words Our thoughts Our reactions Our will Our opinions Our buying and spending Anything that might be a hindrance to us General self-discipline (self-help) …

Where Did Satan Come From? (1)

By David McClister Open any number of commonly used Bible reference works and look up the entry for “Satan.” You will probably get a familiar story. I quote L.O. Richards’ Complete Bible Handbook as typical: The O.T. indicates that Satan was created by God as a ruling angel called Lucifer, with great powers. But pride led …

The Authorship Of Hebrews

By Kyle Campbell The book of Hebrews is one of the most intriguing books the Epistle to the apostle Paul. in the New Testament. Its argumentation and flow of thought is unrivaled among all of the other epistles and letters which have been handed down in our New Testament canon. William G. Johnsson says, “Hebrews is …