By John R. Hurt In the changing of every season we see powerful convincing testimony to the truthfulness of the Word of God. Note the reading of Genesis 8:22. While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, And cold and heat, and summer and winter, And day and night, shall not cease. As we see the …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Child Unborn
God cares for all the children who never see the light Who never experience sadness or feel the dark of night Who never smell the flowers or climb trees great and small Who never see the sun set or gaze at towers tall Who never feel the chilly wind or tread on snowy hill …
Are You Taking Early Retirement?
In recent years, it has become common for many people to take early retirement from the job. This practice is sup-posed to give advantages both to the employer by lowering the payroll expense and to the retiree by giving more time to enjoy the golden years of life. Whether the practice has brought about …
Reading, Writing, and Reflecting
By Steve Willis Drug Use Among Eighth Graders Drug use among America’s teens is on the increase. Newsweek Magazine (August 26, 1996, the “Heroin” cover) reported these statistics for “Eighth Graders Who Have Used Drugs in Their Lifetime” (in percent): 1991 1995 Percent Crack 1.3 2.7 +108 Heroin 1.2 2.3 + 92 Marijuana 10.2 19.9 + …