By Stan Cox The Prism is dated to approximately 689 B.C. and contains in its text the annals of King Sennacherib, son of Sargon II, one of the kings of Assyria who reigned from 701-681 B.C. The Prism is believed to have been excavated from the mound at Kuyunjik, at the modern location of Mosul, …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
How Jesus Used the Scriptures
One’s view of the Scriptures does affect his use of them. One need go no further in Bible study to learn this principle than the life of Jesus Christ, though he can also observe the principle in other ways. Jesus used the Old Testament writings as he did because he believed them to be divine …
Dimpled Chads in Romans 14
By Harry Osborne Over the past week as this article is written, America has been introduced to the now infamous “dimpled chads” from ballots here in Florida. Those of us who voted by punch ballot in Florida were expressly instructed to make sure the chad was removed, but that clear instruction was somehow dismissed. Canvassing …
How To Have A Happy New Year
By Larry Ray Hafley “How Can I Have A Happy New Year?” 1. Hope for good fortune. “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men …