Born of the Water and the Spirit

By Mike Willis John’s account of the gospel of Christ relates the conversation that occurred between Nicodemus and Jesus. Nicodemus is described as a Pharisee who was a ruler of the Jews. The Pharisees was the sect among the Jews who were most concerned about personal holiness. However, the sect tended toward self-righteousness and arrogance. Jesus’ …

Joshua: Striving to Enter Our Rest

By Tim Thiele “Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience” (Heb 4:11). It was finally here. After four hundred years of bondage and deliverance from Egypt, the Lord had led his people to the edge of the promised land. With Yahweh on their side, …

Statement from Jim McDonald

The Guardian of Truth, in its issues of October 17 and November 7, 1996 ran an article of mine titled “Review of Jim Puterbaugh’s ‘One Covenant.” Jim’s brother, Ben Puterbaugh, of Black Diamond, Washington has “reviewed” my “review” of Jim making these statements: Bro. McDonald has made some very obvious errors in the tract, both …