Past History with Present Applications

By Steve Wallace We can often benefit by looking at our own actions in light of what others have done. This is especially true when two divergent courses of action can be contrasted and applied. With a view to possible present application, let us notice two different methods of dealing with the issue of church contributions …

From the February 1997 issue of Brethren which is published by Les and his wife Linda The Christian and His Responsibility to the Government

By Les Maydell Man has always had a problem in fulfilling his responsibilities to the government, especially when he disagrees with its policies. Many Christians in South Africa were upset with the last government because they were treated unfairly. Lately I have noticed that many Christians are upset with our present government because of its corruption, …

Editorial Left-overs: “Going Down the Valley One by One”

By Connie W. Adams The inevitable, persistent march of time is depriving us of a whole generation of preachers who have worked in the vineyard for many years. Within the last month (this is being written on March 11) we have said goodbye to three men who left large footprints on the sands of time. Others …