By Lewis Willis Modern people have a lot of problems, too many to even mention in the areas of morals, economics, and politics. As serious as these problems are, they are given undue emphasis. Does that sound strange? The emphasis is misplaced because people have a greater problem than all of these combined. The greater problem …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
The Pioneer Spirit
By Dick Blackford Most of my work as a gospel preacher has been with new congregations or small struggling ones in an effort to help them get back on their feet. I have only worked with two congregations that were self-supporting. All but one of those smaller works became self-supporting. The pioneer spirit is the spirit …
“Mental Reservation” A Revival
By P. J. Casebolt “When impertinent people, either maliciously or stupidly, endeavor to wrest these secrets from us, we are perfectly justified in using mental reservation, to meet their rude and ill-bred questioning … Mental reservation is allowable only when we are driven into a corner by captious questions about a matter which he knows perfectly, …
He’s Not the Man His Father Was
By Jeff McCrary I knew his father, and a fine Christian man he was. Working a secular job, he preached the gospel whenever he had the opportunity. I had the privilege of studying privately with him on several occasions, and can say that he was one of the most respected Bible students I ever knew. I …