By J.L. McKinley In Matthew 10:32 the Lord told his disciples, “Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him I will confess before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven.” These words were spoken as Jesus prepared to …
Category Archives: Archive Contents
Suffering For What Is Right
By Joe R. Price Pain and suffering exist in this world because of sin. According to Genesis 3:16-19, they are the clearly stated consequences of sin entering into the world. We have experienced the words of Job as he says, “Man, that is born of a woman, is of few days, and full of trouble” (Job …
Did God Take The Life Of Princess Diana?
By Dick Blackford No doubt most who are reading these lines watched at least a portion of the funeral of the late Princess of Wales. Diana’s brother, Charles, the ninth Earl of Spencer, delivered a passionate and pointed speech. I thought the speech was exceptionally good. There was a small portion of the speech with which …
Who Can Marry Lawfully?
By Don Miller Several years ago a young woman came to me to ask if she had the right to remarry. After discussing why her first marriage broke up, we studied what Christ had to say in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9. After reading these passages she tearfully came to the conclusion that she was now living …